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Membership dues for 2025 Are available Jan-Mar to count for a full year of membership, but can be purchased all year.
Cost is  $20/person - cash (exact) or check
Free to those over 90 yrs old with 1 yr past membership
Non-Members are charged $1 extra per program participation

MONDAYS:  9:00 - 10:00  -  Basic Exercise
9:30 - 12:00  -  Mahjong
                     Noon - 4:00  -  Duplicate Bridge (Sanctioned)
                     Noon - 4:00  -  Rummikub

TUESDAYS:   7:30  -  9:30  -  Tops
                      9:30 - 12:00  -  Scrabble

WEDNESDAYS:   9:00 - 10:00 - Basic Exercise
                          Noon - 4:00   - Duplicate Bridge (Sanctioned)
                          Noon - 4:00   - Rummikub
                          Noon - 3:00   - Hand & Foot Cards (Canasta)


FRIDAYS:   9:00 - 10:00 Basic Exercise
                  12:30 -  4:00  Duplicate Bridge
                  12:45 -  4:00  Pinochle (Single Deck)

BINGO TUESDAYS:   DECEMBER 17, 2024  Doors open 1:30 PM
2:00 PM Game starts and doors are locked for safety reasons
$5.00 for 20 games. Jackpot tickets are $1.00 each
Cash winnings plus door prizes. 

If you would like to share your favorite game or hobby, make a sign-up sheet with days and times and call 941-426-2204 Eileen or leave a message.

"THIS AND THAT SHOPPE" - pictures below
Currently the clothing closet is under construction and we cannot accept clothing. Acceptable donations include: books, puzzles, games, knick-knacks,

wheelchairs, walkers, knee scooters, canes (medical items) for TEMPORARY LENDING TO THOSE IN NEED.


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